Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tourney announcement: José Mugnos MT110 2014

MT110 JOSE MUGNOS - 2014
The Union Problemistas’s Argentina of Chess announces the tournament of composition of studies MT110 José Mugnos.
Studies – Theme free – Judge: Richard Becker (USA)
Entries – not more than three per composer – send to the tourney director: Mario G. García (Argentina). Email:
Prize , honourable mentions and commendations and special nominations will be awarded. The preliminary award of the tourney will be sent to participants by e-mail and will be published on the websites-a) Unión Argentina de Problemistas de Ajedrez (UAPA)  b)  Iuri Akobia’s
Closing date: 31.12.2014

[SH: This is a repost of an e-mail sent by Mario Guido Garcia. An article about José Mugnos by Joaquim Travesset can be found here, in portuguese: Unfortunately the books about Mugnos are very expensive, so I can't add more information about the composer.]