Saturday, August 27, 2022

Volksverhetzung durch ZDF-Kanäle


Diese beiden Bilder von vom ZDF betriebenen Youtube-Kanälen, am 27. August 2022 abgerufen, sehen zunächst harmlos aus. Doch einen Tag vorher, am 26. August 2022, hat das ZDF über den Begriff "Indianer" das hier verlauten lassen:

Da das ZDF also den Begriff Indianer für rassistisch hält, gibt es zu, dass seine Youtube-Kanäle zu Hass und Gewalt gegen andere Völker aufstacheln. Im Strafrecht nennt sich das "Volksverhetzung".

Oder krasser ausgedrückt: Der Rundfunkbeitrag wird verwendet, um wie in der NS-Zeit volksverhetzende Propaganda durch staatlich betriebene Propagandamedien zu betreiben. Vielen Dank aber auch!

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ravensburger's racist agenda

 Currently Ravensburger sadly has taken up a racist agenda by which it wants no more books by Karl May published (especially the novels with Winnetou and Old Shatterhand that criticized the genocide against Native Americans). They cite "cultural appropriation" as the reason, which means essentially that they don't want foreign influences in their works but rather a German only culture.

Nearly 70 years after the nazi dictatorship, the dreams of pure Aryan art and the banning of "Entartete Kunst" should not exist in Germany anymore, but Ravensburger lets them live high again!

As they are shitting on the grave of Lothar Schmid with this, who was leading the Karl May Verlag (Karl May Press) for around half a decade - who also criticized Ravensburger sharply for this nazistic action -, as well as going against all good taste, I hereby openly criticize them for this.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Research paper on selfmates and reflexmates

A Note on the Computational Complexity of Selfmate and Reflexmate Chess Problems by Zhujun Zhang was just published two days on


 A selfmate is a Chess problem in which White, moving first, needs to force Black to checkmate within a specified number of moves. The reflexmate is a derivative of the selfmate in which White compels Black to checkmate with the added condition that if either player can checkmate, they must do that (when this condition applies only to Black, it is a semi-reflexmate). We slightly modify the reduction of EXPTIME-hardness of Chess and apply the reduction to these Chess problems. It is proved that selfmate, reflexmate, and semi-reflexmate are all EXPTIME-complete.