Monday, April 17, 2017

Announcement: Peter Siegfried Krug 50 JT

(submitted by Mario Guido Garcia)


To celebrate the  50th  birthday of Peter Siegfried Krug  a composing tourney for endgame studies is announced.  -Theme: free – In two sections : A Studies Win –   B Studies Draw –  Maximum 3 entries are allowed in each section Judge: Peter S. Krug  – Send your original entries to director: Mario G. García   by e-mail to:  marioggarcia@   Prizes , honourable mentions , commendations and special nominations will be awarded.- The provisional award will be issued in December   2017,   will be sent-to-participants-by-e-mail , and may see in the websites of ARVES and UAPA –  Closing date: september 30 , 2017

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Robert William Taylor (10.ii.1932 - 13.iv.2017)

The mathematical engineer Robert W. Taylor, who lead the invention of the single one technology that shaped the modern world - the internet, or rather its predecessor ARPAnet - has died at the age of 85. Coming generations will praise him as a hero of free speech and the exchange of information in a time when western countries were not yet dictatorships, when people still were able to freely access and exchange informations before their falling leaders, those who are as bad as the nazis, as the stalinists, forbade it.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Arthur Bisguier (8.x.1929-5.v.2017)

While everything of interest about Bisguier is probably already said in the various obituaries, of which one is linked, one outstanding fact shall be repeated here:
Bisguier was married since 1959, that is, until his wife died in 2014.
Probably the greatest accomplishment of the distinguished chess master!
