Friday, September 4, 2020

Cure for COVID-19 found?

 Sometimes I must write about something that is unrelated to chess, and so also this time. Apparently a cure for the officially dubbed "COVID-19" virus has been found.

The supercomputer "Summit" analyzed all the data and found a theory on how the virus works and how it can be cured. The best news? There are already nearly a dozen different treatments available, which also can be combined.

Is this the breakthrough?

Readers should be aware that this is no vaccine. It won't prevent people from getting sick, but hopefully it will prevent sick people from dying, or worse.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Anda Fairy Planet by Petko Petkov

 Bulgarian GM for composing Petko Petkov has created a new free magazine, "Anda Fairy Planet", where he presents new fairy chess ideas. Currently the layout is done by Geoff Foster.

The first two issues are available online, with him allowing also to re-host the second issue.

Google Drive links by Petko Petkov