Milan Velimirović 64 Memorial Tourney (21.04.2015 – 21.04.2016)
The Serbian Problem Chess
Society announces Memorial tourney devoted to Grandmaster Milan Velimirović.
There will be three sections in Milan’s
favourite thematic fields: direct #2 and #3, without fairy elements.
A) Single-phase #2
Judge: Barry Barnes (Great Britain).
B) Multi-phase #2 with
cyclic combination named Velimirović Attack
Judge: Touw Hian Bwee (Indonesia).
C) #3 – free theme
Judge: Hans-Peter Rehm (Germany).
With the selection of sections
and judges, whose work and friendship Milan
especially admired, we tried to remain faithful to his unique spirit.
Group A covers the field Milan loved and suggested
in his concept of the 7th WCCT theme, believing it would give composers many
hours of pleasure.
Group B is devoted to one of Milan’s favourite cyclic
invention. Contrary to group A, it will be a real challenge for composers to
compete with the small number of existing examples, all composed by Milan himself. The
definition and the name of the theme were suggested by him, in the article
published in Mat Plus Review Summer 2008”, pages 100-103:
“In tries White
self-invalidates two out of three thematic elements, which are almost
inevitably white lines. Each try provides compensation for one invalidation so
that black can utilize only the remaining one to reject the try. In this way
all thematic tries contain two degrees of attack, i.e. each one is at the same
time a correction and an error to be corrected.”
Group C represents the field
where Milan
produced some of his best known masterpieces. It is not devoted to cyclic
concepts only, because Milan
loved all kinds of attractive chess ideas.
The closing date, April 21st 2016 will mark
Milan’s 64th birthday – the
milestone he found to be the most appropriate one for a chess player or
method of entering originals for the tourney directly to the Mat Plus website
(with automatic confirmation) was created by Milan (click “Originals” on the main Mat Plus
Menu on the left side). It is one of his numerous sophisticated tools for the
benefit of chess composition. Composers unable to use it may send their entries
by e-mail to the Mat Plus administrator: