The era of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov is over as president of the FIDE which is regarded as "World Chess Federation" but declares itself as "International Chess Federation". In the era upcoming where Mars is about to be colonized - what a time to live in! - this can become an important distintion, as by its title the FIDE could also be the head of chess federations on the Mars. This, however, will be something to be thought about in the next ten or so years until the projects start.
Today we will talk about the end of the Kirsan era. Kirsan was a man of great political power, but so is Dvorkovic. Mr. Dvorkovic is a (former?) high Russian politician, now president of the FIDE. That chess and politics can go very well is proven by the former Serbian sports minister Alisa Maric (yes, the strong chess master!) and of course by Sersch Sargsjan / Serzh Sargsyan (apologies for probably misspelling the name, as I can't transcribe Armenian, so I use the Wikipedia transcription). As head of the Armenian Chess Federation, the Prime Minister of Armenia (now former) has developed the chess to the level where Armenians won great international tourneys, including the Chess Olympiad, if I remember it correctly.
Everyone is aware that I am an opponent of Kirsan, but FIDE also profited from Kirsan. As Donald Trump has shown - whom I don't want to compare to Kirsan except for the brilliancy as businessman - the great politics led by businessmen can be very impressive, yet also controversial. As president of Kalmykia, Kirsan has built Chess City in Elista, he has shown to be a man whose love to chess is great and rich, and he has collected many sponsors all around the world. But the shadow also lies in those connections, as Kirsan was friends with many dictators, including a rapist of children as young as 16 years old. Now, I believe strongly that Kirsan was not aware of that, but he must have been aware that his friend violated human rights, the Libyan Muammar al-Gaddafi. Furthermore one of Kirsan's banks does business with the pedosexual organisation Da'esh (also known under their propaganda name "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" and under a name that insults the family of Egyptian gods who are holding the power of life and death, namely the sister of Osiris, Isis. Oh, what a shame to see their names be as much abused as the swastika, the holy symbol of protection, was by Hitler and his band of rascals!
In any case, I believe strongly that Kirsan, be he an unscrupulous businessman, is not in his deepest heart one of evil. He is not a good man either, but - in terms of the D&D alignment system - rather on the (true) "Neutral" stance. His interviews given many years ago show that he is searching for the spiritual truth and has not found it yet. He does what he feels he should do, without consideration for the ethical values, but also without the drive to do evil. Unfortunately that brought FIDE in the situation where it is connected with such people who indeed are evil. Kirsan knows them of the both sides, the evil and the good, and this is the critique I must uphold against him. His personality brought FIDE dark clouds, which were recognized when he was forbidden from holding any more power in the FIDE. But with him likely many sponsors will go.
Mr. Dvorkovic is influential, I don't know about his personality, but he will have a rough start. He has the task of showing strength while also being diplomatic and at the same time acquiring new - or old - sponsors for the FIDE. His tests to come will decide if FIDE will prosper, and unfortunately it will also affect the chess composition, which thankfully receives a small funding by the FIDE, as well as the sponsorship for the FIDE World Cup (not to be confused with the game tourney of the same name) where composers can receive FIDE cerficates and small money prizes - big in the composing world.
Kirsan once said, he will go to the monastery when the time has come to stay there for a few weeks. Maybe now is the time, he can re-orient his life. Whatever the case, I want to lay aside my differences and wish Kirsan that he finds the spiritual truth, that he truly meets the love of God, which he is searching, and that he will see the consequences in what he will do in the future to contribute to a strong and prospering Kalmykia and Chess City, and to promote the chess and the kindness to many people.
As for Mr. Dvorkovic, I wish him the strength, the power and the luck to fulfill his difficult task. Maybe we are of one family - gens una sumus - but only the family's eldest and his close workers can do what is necessary now. God bless Kirsan and Mr. Dvorkovic! And God bless the FIDE and give the wisdom to the officials to now prepare a golden future, not to let go of the prosperity that Kirsan has brought!
For me, my personal battle is over. I can make peace. Will there be more to come, then only again for the best of chess - or what I believe to be it. In that stance, I am "Chaotic Good". I speak out when necessary. I put myself on the line. But I hope to do it for the best and not be blinded. Good people can do bad things, and bad people can do good things - against their intention. At least I did not offer money for rat tails to get rid of a rat plague, as it once was done by the British in India, I think. It only led to breeding more rats in order to receive the money for the tails, making the problem worse. Unforeseen consequences...