Saturday, June 20, 2020

Chess composition and the pandemic

As we find on ChessblogYG and MatPlus, the great chess composer Sergey I. Tkachenko works in the Chernobyl medical centre. The Ukrainian TV interviewed him (in Ukrainian):

In addition, on MatPlus, Serbian chess journalist Marjan Kovačević writes:

Chess composers cover many different professions, but this year one profession deserves more appreciation and gratitude than all others.
I don't know how many medical workers among composers have been actively involved in daily struggle with Covid-19, but now I know there are at least two great composers among them.
Our GM Mario Parrinello has been in the first lines of Italian medical defense, as a general practitioner doctor, for more than four months. It was at the beginning of April when he wrote he had never witnessed such a scary situation in his 30 years career of a doctor. June is ending, but the troubles of medical workers in Italy still last ...