Sunday, November 29, 2020

hhdbvi is published

 Harold van der Heijden's sixth database is published now!

If you did receive a special invitation e-mail because you work for EG or are a friend of Harold, make sure to read the instructions there. Everyone else can order the database for 55 Euro:


If you have no previous version of the database, or if you are an endgame studies aficionado/enthusiast, I highly recommend it. But of course I am biased as I write for EG...

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Billy Mitchell's 3,338,420 Pac-Man record (modified machine)

Billy Mitchell set a record on Pac-Man on a modified machine yesterday.

Announced on November 25, 2020, the modified machine of Pac-Man allowed a tenth dot to spawn on the kill-screen, for a total of 3,338,420 points.

Live performance, 27 November 2020: