Sunday, December 26, 2021

Merry Christmas, the war is over soon (also: Finally bring down the NYT!)

 Merry Christmas, my fellow friends!

It seems that we will win the war against the China Virus soon. We should not settle for any less than the complete extermination of our enemy, and that is where we might be getting at, thanks to new medical breakthroughs. The following one looks especially interesting.


Keep on fighting, my friends. Stay healthy, and if the SPFN vaccine will actually work to exterminate our enemy, we will hopefully live in a free world in a year again. At least as free as possible with the devastation that was caused, and with the lost trust in governments and a hostile mass media that calls it racist to shut down international travel.

I'll rather live in a world of racists than in a world of dead people because of mass media cronies trying to help our enemy to spread. Never forget that in early 2020 those fascists actively tried to help the virus to spread by advising against shutting down airports!

But then, the New York Times is widely known as the propaganda newspaper of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin. And they were among the antisemitic mass media that called everything racist that a certain jewish family father did during his presidency. So never forget that the mass media rather would play politics and kill millions than actually do anything sane. Hold them accountable when this is over.