Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Pins, batteries and their antiforms

In a heated discussion on MatPlus, Nikola Predrag writes:

 An occupied square (or a set of squares) might be emptied by some move.
If that would result with a legal check, we call it battery (of some kind).
If that would result with an illegal selfcheck, we call it pin.

The opposite case is when an empty square might get occupied by some move.
If that would result with a legal check, we call it antibattery.
If that would result with an illegal selfcheck, we call it antipin.

Antibattery/antipin are NOT the kinds of battery/pin, they rely on the opposite effects on some square.
Battery/pin are related to the legal/illegal effect of emptying a particular set of squares.

There's a lot of features which could be related and these relations perhaps could make a well described system.

We would love to have opinions on that. Feel free to comment here, if you're not a MatPlus user.

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