Thursday, April 28, 2016
[German] Kurier: Zu Besuch bei Camillo Gamnitzer
Der Kurier hat einen Artikel veröffentlicht, in dem der Reporter Jürgen Klatzer zu Beusch bei Camillo Gamnitzer war. Lesenswert!
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Kings & Pawns tourney of in cooperation with Yours Truly announces the 2nd TT. announces its second tourney. All future announcements will be posted to this topic.Please see the link above for the complete announcement.
Theme: Artistic King and Pawns Endgame Studies. Studies with a primary focus on promotions are unthematic. Promotions are allowed if the promoted pieces are exchanged quickly or at the end of the study. If an introduction is added where pieces other than kings and pawns are on the board, it will not be considered thematic for the tourney. Although all examples below feature thematic wrong tries (TWT), these are not necessary for the theme. There is only one section for win and draw studies; there is no separate judging. The final decision about whether an entry is thematic will rest with the judge.
Deadline: December 1, 2016.
Procedure: Participants should register at and submit original studies either via PM or via e-mail ( Studies should be accompanied by a full solution. Limit of three entries per composer. The judge will received anonymized entries shortly after the deadline. The preliminary award should be made by March 1, 2017. (The usual period for claims will be three months following the award; if no claims are received in that period, the award will be considered final.)
Judge: Geir Sune Tallaksen Østmoe.
Prize: The winner will receive a specially designed prize mug, to be shipped after the awards become final.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Garry on the Ukraine Referendum in the Netherlands (pre-vote)
See the full text at the link above. So that's how far a world chess champion can sink, becoming just another political commentator (well, at least in the FIDE era - let's not start about Alekhine...)
A Referendum on the Values of Europe
On April 6, the Netherlands will vote in a referendum to approve the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine. It includes a free trade pact and stipulations for Ukrainian economic and political reform. It all sounds boring enough to be settled by politicians and bureaucrats, and not a matter for a referendum.
See the full text at the link above. So that's how far a world chess champion can sink, becoming just another political commentator (well, at least in the FIDE era - let's not start about Alekhine...)
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Valentin Rudenko (19.ii.1938 - 02.iv.2016)
Valentin Rudenko has passed away recently, on 2 April 2016. The grand master of chess composition was involved in bringing satellites into space, and was most likely the first chess composer who ever had an own composition in space, aboard the mission SOYUZ 9.
His life was one of the highest contribution to mankind and chess alike.
An obituary and discussion is found on the MatPlus forum.
EDIT: Here is the MT announcement:
His life was one of the highest contribution to mankind and chess alike.
An obituary and discussion is found on the MatPlus forum.
EDIT: Here is the MT announcement:
Valentin RUDENKO Memorial Tourney
The Chess Federation of Ukraine, its Commission for Chess Composition, and the editors of The Problemist of Ukraine announce a composing tourney in memory of outstanding modern problemist Valentin Rudenko (19.02.1938 – 02.04.2016) in the following sections:
Twomovers – judge V. Dyachuk (e-mail:
Threemovers – judge V. Kryzhanivsky (e-mail:
Moremovers – judge A. Karamanits (e-mail:
Helpmates – judge A. Semenenko (e-mail:
Selfmates – judge Y. Gordian (e-mail:
Problems are to be sent to the email address of the judge of the respective section before September 1, 2016.
The Memorial Tourney award will be published in a separate booklet and sent to the participants whose problems are included in the award. Other participants will receive an electronic version of the award.
A prize fund for the winners has been set up.
Мемориальный турнир Валентина РУДЕНКО
Федерация шахмат Украины, комиссия по шахматной композиции ФШУ и редакция журнала «Проблеміст України» объявляют турнир по составлению, посвященный памяти выдающегося проблемиста современности Валентина Руденко (19.02.1938 – 02.04.2016), в следующих разделах:
Двухходовки – судья В.Дячук (e-mail:
Трехходовки – судья В.Крижановский (e-mail:
Многоходовки – судья А.Караманиц (e-mail:
Коопматы – судья А.Семененко (e-mail:
Обратные маты – судья Ю.Гордиан (e-mail:
Задачи следует посылать на электронный адрес судьи соответствующего раздела до 1 сентября 2016 года.
Итоги мемориального конкурса будут изданы отдельной брошюрой и разосланы участникам, чьи произведения получат отличия. Остальным участникам будут высланы электронные версии итогов.
Для награждения победителей предусмотрен призовой фонд.
Sieg Heil to the President Erdogan!
Sieg Heil to the President Erdogan!
Destroying the EU is your master plan!
Pulverize the TV stations
that criticize your government!
Blubb blubb goes the sinking ship and
imprison all the ones that don't agree!
Trials by fire, setting fire (to Rome)
It's not a way that's meant for me
Just 'cause, just 'cause, just 'cause we're Europe, yeah!
(after Green Day, see link)
Destroying the EU is your master plan!
Pulverize the TV stations
that criticize your government!
Blubb blubb goes the sinking ship and
imprison all the ones that don't agree!
Trials by fire, setting fire (to Rome)
It's not a way that's meant for me
Just 'cause, just 'cause, just 'cause we're Europe, yeah!
(after Green Day, see link)
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