Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Carlo Pedersoli (Bud Spencer, 31.x.1929 - 27.vi.2016)

I never was a fan of the Bud Spencer & Terence Hill movies, and I never will be. Yet, like Meat Loaf or Chuck Norris, Bud Spencer was an actor of the "larger than life" category, one of a kind. Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct could be replaced by any attractive woman. Kate Winslet in Titanic could be replaced by any young woman. But try replacing a Bud Spencer. The movie is just not the same. You don't find a strongly built, muscular Italian with such a humor and ease of acting again. And if you do, it will still not be the same. Spencer's face is easily recognizable, yet it has something - yes - buddy-like. Bud the buddy.

In Germany, Spencer & Hill are called "Weltkulturerbe" - world cultural heritage. Their movies surely are. As I said, I never was a fan of those movies, but I do appreciate them, I like Spencer's humor and the fighting scenes. I am just not a big movie fan at all. My taste is so bad, in fact, that I like movies such as Playing God.

And yet, the private man Pedersoli had one of those quotes that perfectly fit with my own beliefs of life after death.
Ich vermute oft, dass alles, was im täglichen Leben geschieht, ein Traum ist und dass das wirkliche Leben in einer anderen Dimension erwacht. Ich hoffe nur, dass es in dieser anderen Realität weniger Gewalt und Missbrauch gibt.
(Translation: I often suspect that everything that happens in everyday life is a dream and that the real life awakens in another dimension. I just hope that in this other reality there is less violence and abuse.)

In my belief, in that reality there is alos a huge cultural life, and people will love to see good actors in theaters. Here's looking at you, Bud!

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