Thursday, June 21, 2018

Satire: How I became World Chess Champion

You certainly have heard of the World Chess Championship 2018. World Champion Bogolblanca had to fight against me. With new FIDE rules, it was a "best of 10". The first game went like this:

Bogolblanca - Hornecker
World Chess Championship 2018, game 1
Bogolblanca plays the Bird opening, but I have prepared the Englund gambit, to which I want to continue 2.f:e5 f6.
1.-e5 2.g4!
Bogolblanca offered an interesting gambit. I was shocked. I had never seen anyone play this opening before, and I was a master for over 30 years now. So what was to be done there?
Of course, a gambit can mostly be refuted by taking the pawn. The game went on:
3.Sf3! h5 4.g5 Be7 5.h4 d5 6.d3 Bd6
I thought to be safely a pawn up by now.
7.Bg2 Se7 8.Sd4 Sg6 9.B:d5 f3 10.e4 c6 11.g6!! S:g6 12.B:f7+!!
Needless to say, I lost in a few more moves. I analyzed the variation and after an easy draw with White in the second game he played it again. I managed to hold this time. The further games ended in draws, and after game 5 the colors were switched. Finally, in the last night of the match I found a surprising refutation of his gambit.

Bogolblanca - Hornecker
World Chess Championship 2018, game 10
1.f4 e5 2.g4
Now I presented my refutation of this gambit, after which, as you know from the press, even the most stubborn of grandmasters ceased to play it.
2.-Qh4 mate with a small advantage I converted into a full point.

The tie-break match went nice for me, but after a blunder it went into the Armageddon game. As I had Black and had to win the game, my experience with crisis situations came in handy. The venue was robbed during our game, and just as I was about to be checkmated, the robbers broke into our playing room. I quickly made a move, and my opponent didn't realize he was to move as he had to hold his arms up. I paid the robbers nicely afterwards and kept his watch as a memento. Wait, I was not supposed to write this. How can I delete this text?

[EDIT: Somehow I messed up the moves in the first game and can't seem to "recover my thoughts" for the original game. So if you have any clues what I left out, please let me know. I think White castled  kingside and played Sc3, and Black also did something in that time, probably bringing the knight to e5 or something similar. But I can't seem to find a realistic line where B:f7+ wins.]

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