Monday, August 30, 2021

New York Times smear piece about Karjakin - true or not?

 The racist "newspaper" New York Times, once gladly a mouthpiece of Adolf Hitler (see "Buried by the Times") and Josef Stalin (see Walter Durante) that denied the holodomor, and in the past years running the unhinged conspiracy theory that Russia helped Donald Trump (who has a jewish family, fitting with the earlier NYT smears) become President of the United States with election fraud, now expanded its racist smear pieces into the world of chess, "exposing" both Sergey Karjakin and the First Saturday tourneys in Budapest as supposed "grandmaster norm factories".

After this utter crap was re-published in the German magazine "Schach", which obviously fell for the propaganda surrounding the newspaper that portrays it as trustworthy, I want to let readers decide on their own which parts of the story are true and which are made up. Who knows, maybe for once some parts of the story hold up. After all, Karjakin is a bit suspicious. At least the German magazine, as opposed to the original author, did its due diligence and reproduced two of the games and footnotes that hint towards the hit piece having a core of truth.

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