Thursday, July 17, 2014

My connection to Karl May

It is said that each person knows each other over at most six corners. The same applies even to me and Karl May:

In 2008(?) I met Lothar Schmid without knowing it, as he - much in his usual humor - promised to come to a problemist meeting. He did, but only ate lunch there, without showing up at the actual meeting.

Lothar Schmid was the grandson of the Karl-May-Verlag founder E.A. Schmid, who in turn founded it together with Karl May's widow Klara May.

So here is the connection:
Me -> Lothar Schmid -> E.A. Schmid -> Klara May -> Karl May

If this short not-meeting doesn't count, you can add a lot of people between me and Lothar Schmid, for example Manfred Mädler with whom I conversed some years ago. Six corners, indeed.

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